The term “Disability” is extremely misleading, and often leads people to believe they do not qualify as they are not “disabled” enough. There are approx. 500,000 Canadians that could be eligible to claim the Disability Tax Credit, yet have never applied. The end result is that there is unfortunately millions of dollars that go unclaimed every year. There are in fact countless conditions that may qualify for this program. Canadians that may qualify for the Disability Tax Credit could receive a refund of up to $40,000 from the Canada Revenue Agency, depending on how long you have been affected from your condition, income level, age, and a number of other factors.
Is your ability to walk affected? Do you have aches and pains or have to stop and take breaks when walking due to pain or shortness of breath? If you were to walk the distance of 100m or 1 city block, would it take you longer than the average person? If so, you may qualify for the Disability Tax Credit under Walking. Some common conditions that may qualify are Arthritis, Knee/Hip Replacement, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia.
Has your ability to feed yourself / eat during meal times been affected? Feeding oneself and challenges surrounding this can come from a variety of different reasons. Physiological challenges and psychological/behavioral challenges are a few examples of why someones ability to feed themselves may be impacted.
Has your ability to dress yourself been affected? If you suffer from limited mobility, pain or stiffness, and take longer than the average person to dress, or require assistance from another person to dress, you may qualify for the Disability Tax Credit under Dressing.
Stuttering, Lisps, Speech Disorders, and Voice Disorders are a few examples of conditions that may qualify for the Disability Tax Credit under “Speaking”. Typically these conditions are diagnosed at an early age, however in some cases they are not present until later in life. Many speech disorders can be treated with therapy, however depending on how you are affected on a daily basis, you may qualify for the Disability Tax Credit.
Do you have difficulty hearing? Do you find yourself having to lip read? If you suffer from hearing loss (depending on the severity) you may qualify for the Disability Tax Credit. Hearing enables us to interpret and reciprocate a spoken language. Treatment for hearing loss predominantly comes in the form of hearing aids or ear implants. Sign language is another option for people with deafness to express themselves and communicate with others.
Do you go to the bathroom more often than the average person? Do you often experience pain and cramping causing you to spend additional time in the bathroom? If so, you may qualify for the Disability Tax Credit under Elimination. IBS, Crohn’s, and Colitis are examples of conditions that may qualify under Elimination.
ADD / ADHD, Anxiety and Depression are all examples of conditions that may qualify under Mental Functions Necessary for Everyday Life. This Disability Tax Credit is dependent upon how you are affected on a daily basis from your condition, rather than the condition itself.
If you are administering insulin you may qualify for the Disability Tax Credit. You can be either a Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetic to claim this. Some doctors will say “you must be on a pump to claim this” where others will say “a pump makes things easier this is only for people injecting”. The reality is BOTH can qualify as there is no restriction on how the insulin is administered.
If you are on Dialysis you may also qualify under Life Sustaining Therapy.